Downloading our missalettes Euchalette and Patnubay sa Misa is FREE. But if you would like to support our apostolate of spreading God’s word, you may donate any amount. Please deposit your donation to either our Peso or Dollar accounts.
Peso Account
Account Name: Word and Life Publications
Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
Peso Savings Account #: 3711-0028-46
Dollar Account
Account Name: Word and Life
Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
Dollar Savings Account #: 3714-0008-01
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Euchalette and PSM for April 2024
To download a copy of the Euchalette or Patnubay sa Misa, simply click on any of the dates available below.
Euchalette and PSM for March 2024
To download a copy of the Euchalette or Patnubay sa Misa, simply click on any of the dates available below.